Forced place insurance is an insurance policy taken out by a lender or creditor when a borrower does not carry insurance on an asset. For example, if homeowners with a mortgage do not carry property insurance, the bank servicing the mortgage will buy a policy on the homeowner’s behalf and…
Articles Posted in General Interest
Paying for Peace: Why Surveys Are Helpful When Purchasing Real Estate in New York
One of the most stressful, but enjoyable moments in your life is when you purchase a house. Most would describe it as an experience like no other. Most would also agree that just going out and finding a plot or house you like and immediately buying it is ill advised.…
Taglines and Trademarks: First in Time Gets First in Tag (Line)
Everyone knows a tagline or two-Nike’s “Just Do it”; McDonald’s “I’m Loving It”; Cotton’s “The Fabric of Our Lives”; the list goes on and on. These taglines are essentially a branding slogan used to market or advertise a given good or service. The purpose of a tagline – and a…
Trademarks and the Internet—More Related Than One Would Think!
Today, a vast majority of us use the Internet at least once a day. In fact, if you are reading this blog, you have just proven my point! Using the Internet has only gotten easier with search engines like Google and Yahoo. So naturally, from a business standpoint, it is…
Home Improvement Contractors and Mechanic’s Liens Filed Against Your Home in New York.
So you have finally updated your home by addition, new kitchen or other improvement. You tried doing it by the book, went through the normal channels; obtained estimates, interviewed contractors, investigated their references and made that home improvement using your hard earned dollars. The work commences, is substantially complete and…
Why should I check for an Oil Tank in New York?
When I bought my house I saw some unexplained pipes in the wall. The owners said that the house was heated by natural gas, they had never used oil. The inspector made no mention of the potential that there might have been an underground tank. I wasn’t taking any chances.…
Installing “Airports” on private land in New York.
So, your next door neighbor wants to “legalize,” install, or expand an airport in New York, what do you do? Hire a lawyer, participate in the process and call your legislators because any installation of an “airport” in New York requires legislative approval from the legislative body of the municipality.…
So You need a Name Change in New York.
My elderly client calls me up and says, “I can’t get a copy of my birth certificate, so I can’t get a passport, so I can’t . . . . . ” “That’s a new one on me,” I say. It turns out that this client had been using “mary…
So Your Attorney Told You Not to Talk to the Other Party in New York?
Every day parties hire lawyers to “resolve” a dispute, to “negotiate” a transaction, to “settle” a matter that has arisen between two entities or individuals. The attorney often jumps into the fray (swords raised), has discussions with the other lawyer, and, sometimes, those communications get garbled leaving the process damaged,…
Second Hand Smoke—What Are Your Rights as Property Owners or Lessees in New York?
As we all know, second hand smoke is never a pleasant experience; tight living quarters make it even worse. Most people in apartment complexes come in with the notion that there will be some unpleasant smells associated with living with other people, and are not bothered by smoke so long…